Ren AU Timeline
Date Atalan Caldora
Feb Sarah Gardner arrives (Words and Deeds) -
Mid-Feb - Goa'uld invade (Cam scene of Beyond These Hills)
Late Feb Word of invasion arrives (Words and Deeds) Henry, Carolyn, Janet scenes of Beyond These Hills
Mid-Mar Laura's wedding, John's departure (The Wedding) -
Early Apr - John arrives in Madrona (Vigil), Ba'al receives message (The Messenger)
Mid-Apr Elizabeth leaves for Iolan (Alliances) Geoffrey dies (Vigil)
Late Apr - John arrives in Redwater, leaves for front (unnamed battle fic)
Early May Elizabeth arrives in Iolan (Alliances) -
Mid-May - Caldorans win battle (unnamed battle fic)
Late May Elizabeth leaves for Langford (Alliances) Caldoran/Goa'uld negotiation
June Elizabeth arrives in Langford (Outlaws and Thieves) Ba'al returns, Tok'ra arrive, second battle
Mid-June Elizabeth returns to Atlantis Goa'uld raze Sheppard capital
July Kate/Lorne debacle, trip to Neill -
Aug Laura miscarries, Rodney helps rebuilding effort after Wraith attack -
Sept Elizabeth fights with college over navy funding, Sarah brings forth evidence of bribery, Elizabeth's falling out with Jack -
Oct Charlie arrives and begins courting Kate -
Nov Laura finds out she's pregnant? -
Dec Elizabeth falls ill -
Jan - John hears of Elizabeth's illness and returns